Tag Archives: Michigan

Do you know how to critique a writer’s writing?

“You must not confuse being good with being liked.”~Paul Arden, American author Tomorrow, Wednesday, is my second official Memoir2 meeting, and apparently I don’t know how to critique. By official, I mean the second meeting where I present my work … Continue reading

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A first writing #WeekendCoffeeShare in New Jersey

If we were having coffee… Hey, I’m glad you could meet me here. It’s my first time at the Chatham Starbucks. What do you think? It’s super crazy busy, and I guess it’s like this every weekend. It’s one of … Continue reading

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A family #WeekendCoffeeShare with writing organization tips

If we were having coffee… It’s quiet in here, isn’t it? Barnes & Noble cafés are usually subdued, but the Easter holiday must be why it’s extra quiet in here. They’re proudly brewing Verona, which is one of my go-to … Continue reading

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The Friendship Edition of #WeekendCoffeeShare

If we were having coffee… Thanks for meeting me here. SmartWorld Coffee is the first coffeeshop I discovered here in New Jersey. It’s my default location because it’s close to temporary housing and it’s the warmest coffee shop I’ve ever … Continue reading

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Claiming myself in a new state of mind…kinda

“It is important to stay positive because beauty comes from the inside out.”~Jenn Proske, Canadian actress Today I heard Journey’s Don’t Stop Believin’ and I cried. I have no reason to, but I did. I guess I do have a … Continue reading

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Should you write about everything?

“Be happy for this moment; this moment is your life.”~Omar Khayyam, Persian poet I made it to the other side. The 2-day move from Michigan to New Jersey was casual. April weather in February accompanied me my entire drive. My … Continue reading

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On being “Home” this #WeekendCoffeeShare

If we were having coffee… Hey, good to see you. **Hug** Thanks for meeting me so late. I’ll be at my in-laws in a few, but their coffee is from some big box warehouse store, so I always stop here … Continue reading

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My Farewell #WeekendCoffeeShare from Michigan

If we were having coffee… Hey, I’m glad you could join me and my husband at Starbucks. This is one of my last times writing here. Actually, I’m coming tomorrow, Monday, for my last Swarm check in streak. I know, … Continue reading

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Saying goodbye is an art form

“Could we see again when and where we are to meet again, we would be more tender when we bid our friends goodbye.”~Ouida, English novelist Another Goodbye Selfie is taken, but my friend prefers privacy, so I’m sharing our story … Continue reading

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Writerly goodbyes are on the horizon

“Saying goodbye doesn’t mean anything; it’s the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it.”~Trey Parker, American artist My phone is filling up with Goodbye Selfies. I met my writerly friend, Erin, today for a writing adventure. … Continue reading

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My first writerly goodbye, and my steel cut emotions

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mahatma Gandhi, Indian leader Damn, these goodbyes are getting harder. Today I said goodbye to John, the moderator of my Deadwood Writers Group. He challenged … Continue reading

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Wrapping up #ROW80 Round 4 and my afterthought

“We must let go of the life we have planned so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.”~Joseph Campbell, American author Spoiler alert: I only accomplished one of my five ROW80 goals in Round 4. I despise … Continue reading

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Free yourself from email clutter

“If stupidity got us into this mess, then why can’t it get us out?”~Will Rogers, American actor This week I have been doing something bold and freeing: unsubscribing from emails. I apologize if yours was one of them. It’s nothing … Continue reading

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Lessons on selling a house: why I’m not writing

“Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home.”~Matsuo Basho, Japanese poet Once we listed our house, I thought I’d get my life back; I did, but I lost my mind in the process. Some people would argue … Continue reading

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Feeling nostalgic about writing and missing crayons

“If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older.”~Tom Stoppard, English writer I’ve been feeling nostalgic lately. Maybe it’s the packing and seeing my previous life end up in boxes. Touching these things that are or were precious … Continue reading

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A #WeekendCoffeeShare where I remember buying books

If we were having coffee…. It’s been a long week. Thanks for joining me here at home. What flavor K-Cup coffee would you like? I hope you can squeeze in here at the table. I know, the living room is … Continue reading

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My new view of #NaNoWriMo

“The novel is born of disillusionment; the poem, of despair.”~Jose Bergamin, Spanish writer This year, I free myself from NaNoWriMo convention and snub my nose at what is expected. Everyone approaches NaNoWriMo differently. This first year I discovered that the … Continue reading

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Will I lose my writing groups when I move?

“The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it.”~Hubert H. Humphrey, American politician I need not have worried about losing my writing groups when I move away. Last week, I informed John, the moderator of my Deadwood … Continue reading

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Who knew word count tightens & excitens your writing?

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”~Anthony Robbins, American author Sing along with me, folks: Pro-crastin-a-a-ation’s making me wait. I waited until the last days to compile my entries for the Rochester Writers’ 2016 … Continue reading

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Five prompts to smack down Writer’s Block

“I learned that if you want to make it bad enough, no matter how bad it is, you can make it.”~Gale Sayers, American athlete I was going to write about Writer’s Block, but I have writer’s block.  Small, random prompts … Continue reading

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