Ode to the future in this #AtoZChallenge haiku

Once order is restored, there is so much to do.
I will sip coffee with my husband at Track 5 in Cranford.

I will drive to Philadelphia to visit my in-laws and pet the puppy.

I will buy new clothes at the shops in Short Hills Mall.

I will get my nails done at my delicious salon, Nail Fitness, in Montclair.

I will get my hair styled at Avalon in Millburn.

I will meet my writing groups in person at the library.

I will drive down the street into tiny parking lot at Union’s County Zimmerman Park and spin the Pokestops.

I will see a movie at the AMC Theater in Aviation Plaza and eat salty popcorn.

I will eat lunch…anywhere.
I will hug my friends deeply, guilt-free and pure.

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3 Responses to Ode to the future in this #AtoZChallenge haiku

  1. Pingback: X-ceptional haiku NOT using the word xylophone for #AtoZChallenge | D.W. Hirsch

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