Beyond social media: Like yourself

“Blessed are the hearts that can bend; they shall never be broken.”~Albert Camus, French philosopher

Are you kind to yourself? Probably not.

We tell ourselves…
I’m not a good writer, we say. I’ll never be published/finish a story.
I’m not good at sports.
I’m f_ _ (as in, overweight).
I could be so much more productive.
I’ll never be…
I should be…
I want to be…


Haiku Horizons Prompt #133: Bend

I’ve said all that and more at some point in my life, and that’s a shame. I don’t regret it, I’m just sad that I ever thought I wasn’t good enough.

We can all bend from what we think are our rigid thoughts. We’re better than we think we are.

We Like so much on social media, why can’t we Like ourselves for once?

I can.

I will.

So can you.

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