Create your signature writing word

I found my writing self in one word.

Continuing from this blog post last week, I needed to find myself after losing my domain name. I needed to redefine myself.

I found myself in one word: funky.

Since you’re visiting this site, you’re smart enough to realize that through the name.

Now, I don’t mean “funky” in that dank, musty way. I’m talkin’ funky in that cool, hip and trendy “play that funky music” way.

I don’t know when I first used that word to describe me, but it’s been a part of my identity for years and years. Dare I say decades? Yes, I dare: the word funky has been a part of me for years. It became obvious to me when I wrote for the now-defunct Michigan Scrapbooker Magazine. In 2014, I used it freely to describe the art techniques and projects I wrote about:

“Don’t worry about minutiae; the date, time and location are saved in the funky ePostmark with customizable postage stamps.”

I found it again in the next issue:

“[Scrapbookers] are already journaling in your daily life. It’s this funky little thing called social media.”

At that point, I boldly challenged myself to insert the word “funky” into every 750-word article I wrote. My topics included Zentangle, scrapbook journaling, art supplies and creating mini albums from paper bags and empty toilet paper rolls. Given that variety, I found ways.

“After adding photos and journaling, you can keep these multi-day events as individual albums or bind them together as one funky, vacation-themed album.”

“Use [paint swatches] to create fun and funky mini-albums.” This 2015 example appeared as the article’s subtitle.

Did anyone else notice my Hitchcock-esque signature word? It was my signature word, to me anyway.

Which brings me back to conclude my domain dilemma. What do I call my new self? Reinvent. Refocus. Refresh. Renew. It must be relevant yet quirky. Professional yet whimsical. Identifying yet mysterious. Enticing yet polished. Obvious but unknown.

That word is funky. Not that word itself is funky, but the word itself is “funky.”

Can you relate? Do you have a word like that? I hope so, because it’s fun and funky to have one.

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Playing Games with Haiku Horizons #245

I have missed writing haiku.

Every Tuesday at my Montclair Writers Support Group, each person introduces themselves and talks about writing struggles and goals. I tweak my intro every week, but it always contains “award-winning writer,” “author,” “memoir,” blah blah blah. I always forget to say, “I write haiku.” Why?

Haiku Horizons #245: “Games”

I’m a writer, not a poet. Sure, I wrote in school when we had an assignment to write a sonnet, limerick, things like that. I’m sure haiku was a part of that. I took poetry classes in college to obtain my English Writing Minor. Those fun classes were just that, classes. I was not a poet. My friend and my sorority Big Sister, she was a self-proclaimed poet. She wrote poems; therefore, she was a poet.

Years after college, we met for an independent book forum. She found a book of haiku as told through friends sending postcards to each other. Totally intrigued me. She was into snail mail, too, so we bought the book for inspiration.  To this day, we send occasional emails or mail random postcards with a haiku. Blog challenges like the weekly Haiku Horizons prompt keep me writing poems. It still feels like a hobby, not serious writing. Still, they are so much darn fun to play with.

I write poetry; therefore, I am a poet.  Note to self: remember that.

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The Pledge of Allegiance written in emoji

In honor of July 4th, I wrote the Pledge of Allegiance in emoji.

Emoji has taken over our world. My number one text image is the smiley kissey face. If you ever wondered how the Pledge of Allegiance would read as written in emoji, your question has been answered.

In case you’re not fluent in emoji, or if  you need a refresher of the pledge, here’s the translation:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

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How I almost lost my blog

Welcome. I almost lost this blog.

For a number of reasons, I lost my domain name “” If you click there now, you can buy shoes online. Don’t! Boycott shoes! What’s even more insulting is that the site has nothing to do with “d” nor “w” nor “Hirsch” nor any combination of. *indignant snort*

With the loss of the domain, all of the links would disappear

There is something exhilarating, yet intimidating, about starting over.

That’s just what I did here on this blog. What I’m doing, because I have to. In addition to my name, I thought I lost all my data. That scared the heebie-jeebies out of me. After going through the seven stages of blogloss, plus another seven to torture myself, I took this as an opportunity to recreate myself, my identity. Refocus. Reestablish. Reconnect. Refresh. Recycle. Rejuvenate. Renew. Fill in your own reword here.

Fortunately, my site is hosted through namecheap, and I will never, ever, never, ever go to another webhosting service. They had my old data and restored it.


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Happy anti-New Year! Words, focus and remembering January

How are your New Year Resolutions coming along?

If you still remember even one of them, that’s not a bad way to start Monday, July 1, 2019.

January 1st was a day filled with promise and goals and plans for new journeys. Unless you were hung over from the previous night’s celebration, because then your January 1st looked differently.

Like it or not, it’s July 1. We’re halfway through the year, and it’s time to evaluate your progress or your challenges. Maybe the first challenge is remembering those goals.

Many people choose a focus word for the year, something that represents a promise to ourselves, the direction we want to take our life in. I like that idea, because it’s a way to have resolve without making resolutions. However, I can’t boil down all my changes to one word, not even a hyphenated word to get that extra boost. I choose not to stress over something that because by July, Real Life will intrude and push my best efforts aside.

For several years, I consider a phrase that if I accomplished it, then everything else would be set right. That phrase is wisdom gained from a Yogi Tea bag tag:

“Keep Up.”

I like that. It resonates with me. What if we all did that?

Despite that noble thought, my [too-many-to-count-because-it’s-embarrassing] unanswered emails in my inbox shows I’ve struggled in that area. The 30,000+ photos I want to print off my phone is evidence of that challenge in my life. The 50+ boxes I still have to unpack from our February 2017 move prove that I struggle to accomplish a focus phrase.

Focus on other words. Want. Need. Must. Should. These are weak works, maybe words. They don’t help us succeed towards New Year Resolutions or any goals. They’re hopeful and dreamy. One word can replace them all: Will.

It’s time for me to take the price tag off the shirt I bought in 2016.  I will wear that shirt, both physically on my body and figuratively in my mind:

This is MY Year

It’s never to late for that sentence to apply to you. Focus on that.

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Reading Challenges: good or bad?

“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.”~Thomas Jefferson, American president

How sad it is that we as a society make even the joy of reading a massive social media event?

There are gazumerous reading challenges out there. Which one to choose? How many books can I read in 20 days, 20 hours or 20 minutes? Is it motivation or pressure? Inspiration or discouragement? When I want to read, I want to snuggle up with a book and not worry about posting reviews online and making sure I’ve updated my statuses.

My 2018 reading assignment

Maybe that’s the reason my reading has slacked off to practically nothing. Part of it, anyway.

That said, as an author, I feel that it is my civic duty to join one. Apparently I’m not a Real Writer unless I’m a Real Reader, and Real Readers participate in at least one reading challenge.

My Goodreads site is the best place for me to do this. Reading 18 books in 2018 equals 1.5 books/month. Some people can read 1.5 books in a week. Looking at some of my Goodreads friends profile, I see someone who wants to read 400 books in 2018. I devoured books as a kid, but, sadly, I’m not that person anymore.
Rather than winging it, I chose my books for this 2018 reading challenge. There are only 16 books pictured here, giving me flexibility to choose new books, and I reserve the right to change this lineup any time without notice. Of these books, some I can’t wait to read. Some I am desperate to re-read again. Some I chose just because I own them.

If I get through some of these, any of these, that’s a success whether I share my results or not. I don’t need some website to tell me I’m a Reader. Reading should not be a goal. Reading should be a pleasure to its own end.

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November 1: An anti-NaNoWriMo post

“I own and operate a ferocious ego.”~Bill Moyers, American journalist

I forgot.

It didn’t matter that a friend asked to buddy me. It didn’t matter that I filled out my form and updated my info. Nope, none of that. I forgot it was NaNoWriMo time.

I have and have not been editing my two short memoirs. I wish I could say I was so consumed by that progress that I didn’t have time to remember.

I’m not into it this year, and I feel like I should be. I’m a writer; therefore, I should NaNo

I live in a new state, and NaNo options are limited in my area. Is any location worth the drive? My NaNoWriMotown group in Detroit was deliciously active across a wide range of neighborhoods. Around me, there seems to be an active group that meets in several shady neighborhoods, or so I’ve the heard. There is another group 30 minutes away, but their activities appear to be completely unstructured as to be worthless.

I may have to do this on my own, unstructured and unsupported. As such, I’ve come up with an unconventional project. That project is not writing “a novel” in the expected sense, but if 50,000 words comes from it, that will be my success.

Over the 5 years I’ve done and won, I realize that NaNo is whatever you make of it.

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Thoughts on October 31

“Sometimes it’s the crazy people who turn out to be not so crazy.”~Kevin Spacey, American actor

My thoughts: Happy Halloween!

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Choose your own words in haiku and adventure

“Only I can change my life; no one can do it for me.”~Carol Burnett, American actress

Words and video games don’t mix.

The video game Zork? is a simple game: type your actions. The puzzle in this text-only game is to figure out what commands will get you to the end of your journey and win. I was frustrated by Zork after day one. This is no video game; it’s a guessing game.

“Pick up sword,” I type.
“You cannot carry any more items.”

“Turn left,” I type.
“You cannot turn left.”

Beyond those statements, there are no other instructions. Like many players, I drew a map of the labyrinth forest I wandered around. I still got lost, and without knowing how or where I made the mistake, I was at a dead end just as my invisible character.

I wanted to love the game. I truly did. By the time I picked up this game, sometime around 1986, I was a video game junkie and an avid reader. This interactive fiction game combined both loves. The focus was on narrative, like creating your own story, but the context was so broad that without some baseline, I couldn’t get interested. Instructions were nonexistent. Was I asking the right question? Can I guess the proper question to ask? It was too much work for little reward.

Haiku Horizons prompt #189: Mist

This week’s Haiku Horizons prompt reminds me of that storytelling. The Myst text adventure game from 1993 added graphics. By that time, I was over text-only adventures. I may have liked this better had it been the first game I played because I could see my choices. You have a visual grasp on your reality. There is a baseline, yet it’s a puzzle.

Choose Your Own Adventure books combines the fun of a maze and words with a puzzle and surprise. Each book guides you along pre-destined story paths, but at points in the narrative, the reader chooses what comes next. Sometimes you die. Sometimes you win. My first book was exhilarating, being in control of my story and yet not. Once I read through my chosen path, I went back and read every ending along the flowchart story.

At BEA 2016, I discovered the original books have been re-released along with new titles. Author Sylvia Hubbard created an online romance version of this form of storytelling. It’s making a comeback.

Combining words in wondrous and mysterious ways. I wonder if these books are part of the reason I became a writer.

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Success in writing: Breakdown of #ROW80 Round 4 goals, Part 1 of 3

“All great achievements require time.”~Maya Angelou, American poet 

Round 4 goals.  Writing, reading, playing and etc,

Today I’m focusing on my writing.  This is how I plan to break down and work on these goals, in no particular order:


1–Get back to writing haiku, at least one weekly.

This is how my Instagram account started: haiku.  My writerly friend and sorority Big Sister wrote haiku with me after one trip into New York City for an independent book fair.  Poetry may not be my formal writing genre, but I enjoy it and feel obligated to get back into it because of Instagram.

I found these notes jotted down on the back of my Round 3 Goals sheet.

I’m tweaking a Monday – Thursday writing schedule based on ROW80 Round 3.  Each day focuses on one genre or project, a schedule that provides structure and flexibility.  This revised schedule is something I’m testing out.

Since Mondays are one day I set aside to do email, I’ll see the weekly Haiku Horizons prompt posted each Sunday night.

Mondays, I will make time to write a haiku.  That poem will be published that day, Tuesday or Wednesday.  That gives me time and structure to work the haiku into a post.  Then I have the second half of the week to share it on social media.
UPDATE: That worked this week!  Look for my haiku post on Wednesday.

2–Finish MomMemoir and DadLetters by December.

MomMemoir was so on track through August that it was scary productive. My first time-sensitive deadline passed, and my motivation slowed. My second self-imposed deadline passed, and I got sloppy. Tuesday afternoons are writing focused, and I’m allotting memoir writing to those days. It’s a good day to do that because my biweekly Memoir1 critique group meets on Wednesdays.

Pushing through procrastination, my schedule gives me structure to finish MomMemoir by October, DadLetters in November and I have December as overflow to allow for those unforeseen Life intrusions. If this works, it’s a strong format to follow with my full-length memoir in January.

3–Blog posts: finish or let go. For real this time!

**I will finish or let go of my 2017 posts.**

Yes, you read it here. With years of half-written blog ideas unedited, I am comfortable focusing on the year 2017 for the remainder of 2017. This honors my writing and cleans out my inbox, so to speak. It’s not overwhelming as it would be to think about every draft post for years back probably no longer relevant but needs to be reviewed. One calendar year, currently about 8 months to review, and I’m not going to stress myself out by going back into my past any further. Whatever I have completed by December is it. Deep breath. My weekly writing schedule has blogging scheduled Wednesdays or Thursday, thus giving me focus rather than flip-flop between this and book writing. Will I be strong enough by December 31st?

4–Freelance assignments/Full-time writing work

If I spend one day per week contacting 1-2 editors, then I’ll see what that gets me. It’s manageable, allowing time to research who to contact. The current writing schedule allows me to fit freelance assignments into my blogging and book writing, giving up nothing and moving forward with everything. Thursdays are another day I set aside to focus on housey things, email and general catching up, thus a good day for this.

The rest of my 2017 Round 4 goals are:

–Magazines: trade publications and PennStater
–Social Media
–Scrapbook/Mixed media crafting
–Housey things
–Friends and Family

As I test out this first week, I’ll share my challenges and successes regarding my reading goals next week.

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What motivates your? Goalsetting for #ROW80 Round 4

“The foot feels the foot when it feels the ground.”~Buddha, Indian leader

When do you deserve to treat yourself?

Coffee or tea and me

I use bribery to motivate myself. If I go through emails, then I can spend time on Instagram. If I write or edit for 37 minutes, then I’ve earned the right to play with planning stickers. Much of this year, I haven’t deserved the playtime that I’ve taken. Play is more fun than work, and without any steady work schedule, it’s easy to be lackadaisical. Whatever I call the reasons for not working, they’re all excuses. In acknowledging that, I’m kind to myself. Scolding me doesn’t change the past.

An online challenge that I continually succeed and fail at but keep coming back to breaks down the year into three-month chunks. It begins on the first Monday in every quarter–January, April, July and October–and ends the last Wednesday of every quarter–March, June, September and December. Easy to remember, right? Yeah, that took me two years to get into sync.

Every quarter since I began A Round of Words in 80 Days, I learn more about myself. Entering this Round 4, I realize that I need to add playtime or relax time to my schedule. After all, play…what else motivates me?

With that introduction, welcome to October 2 through December 20.

My goals for this last part of 2017 are: Reading, Writing and Playing. However, some writing and reading is too fun to be considered work. How do I justify that?

I have a great post written, but it’s so detailed that it’s overwhelming. I’m breaking it down over the next few weeks for me and for you. I want you to learn something from of my successes and struggles, something you can adapt into your life. We’re all working together at this, and I want to learn from you, too.

These are my Round 4 ROW80 Goals:

Lapras and Mr. Mime, both courtesy of my husband


–Get back to haiku, at least one weekly.
–Finish MomMemoir and DadLetters by December.
–Blog posts–finish or let go. For real this time!
–Freelance assignments/Full-time writing work


–Magazines: trade publications and PennStater
–Social Media


–Scrapbook/Mixed media crafting


–Housey things
–Friends and Family

Off we go into the Round 4 yonder.

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Land on my feet or my writing *bleep* as #ROW80 Round 3 ends

“There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love.”~Sophia Loren, Italian actress

It seems I’ve been stuck in a lot of things lately.

The haiku is just one of them, like having a song stuck in your head. Take a look into my head and learn how I think as I composed this poem.

Haiku Horizons Prompt #186: Land

Land. I tried to focus on something beyond earth and flying. Grass in the backyard is ground, but it’s not land. I couldn’t get inspired by thoughts of landing on your feet or landing a spaceship. I returned to “Land” as expanse of untouched fields far into the horizon, which brought to mind reaching the expanse of an ocean, which brought to mind the song praising all this expanse of us. I couldn’t focus on the grass in my backyard–which I desperately wanted to for some reason–nor could I concentrate on trees, jumping down steps or other minutiae.
My thoughts were of higher things, and wrote a haiku about my frustration.

It’s easy to be frustrated with writing. Writing is such a personal endeavor, and when things don’t fall into place as planned, it’s easy to take it personally. In fact, I forgot that ROW80 Round 3 ends Thursday. I have my list of goals printed and attached into my planner, but how much have I accomplished?

1–Craft a succinct 30-second book elevator speech. = NO
This could be fun. I haven’t viewed it that way, just another to-do that I to-didn’t-do.

2– Continue my 17 Writing Outlets in 2017 and follow through. = NO
Why am I stuck on this? Fear of failure, or of success? Freedom or commitments?

6–Schedule weekly Myself-Time to review all these goals. = KINDA
I have days and times planned that are “mine,” but I haven’t used those moments as efficiently as I could have. Why am I choosing to be distracted by fun rather than business? Because fun is funner.

3–Fine tune a regular social media schedule. = KINDA MAYBE SORTA
This IS fun. Most of it, anyway. I am posting more on Facebook, but I don’t allow myself time to play with the social media I do enjoy. I think of it every time I don’t do it.

4–Catch up, let go of and/or publish old blog posts. = NO
5–Catch up on email. = WAY NO WAY
Again, I chose play over work. Besides, both overwhelm me.

7–Work on memoir and other stories. = YES (?)
I haven’t worked on my full-length memoir, but I made three rewrite-edits of my short Star Trek MomMemoir. I’m stuck under the weight of the pressure of the last edit. It’s a “final” edit that may be rewritten again based on ideas I learned from Lorraine Ash workshop last week.

See, frustration is easy. That’s when Round 4 kicks in, whatever your “round 4” may be. For me, it’s another opportunity to gather my thoughts from October 2 – December 21, 2017.

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A Penn State birthday #WeekendCoffeeShare writing & eating ice cream

If we were having coffee…

…we would NOT be having coffee.

Oh my gosh! Didn’t I tell you Penn State atmosphere is electric?!? Shoulder to shoulder crowds, the bars, the random football cheers, the street music. This town is too fab to have coffee, unless we squeak over to Webster’s Bookstore or Saints Café, but I’d much rather have Creamery ice cream. There’s nothing like State College on a football weekend…except when it falls on MY BIRTHDAY!

Where were you sitting for the game? We had West Side seats thanks to the Michigan Alumni chapter. That side is best for being out of the afternoon sun–you know, to minimize sunburn–but who would expect I’d be wearing winter-ish coat on the second week of September. And gloves! I should be wearing sunscreen for the second game of the season, not a sweatshirt. You can’t see my manicure under these gloves, and it’s the first manicure I’ve had since we moved into our house. Doesn’t make much sense when you’re soaked in cleaners and sudsy water all day. This week, I don’t care. I didn’t have much time for anything else, especially with a Labor Day filled with Pokémon GO Legendary Dog raids with my husband, our version of a “playdate.”

“We Are…!”
(“Penn State!”) I yell back to whomever started the cheer.
“Thank you!”
(“You’re welcome!”) I and others around me reply.

I’ve been told we have the politest college cheer around. Who else thanks themselves? You may be ear-sore from it, but I never get tired of it. Okay, maybe late, late in the night, when the chant echoes in my sleep, but while I’m awake, I could cheer all day.  As long as I have a voice that is.  And how can I still have a voice since…

WE WON!! This is payback from last year. Back on our schedule after 20-some years, it was a deep rivalry now because everyone remembers how those games usually turned out. Pitt from Pittsburgh–my hometown–and Penn State–my alma mater–it was a state-within-state game, always early in the season. Last year, I was there in Pittsburgh, in the broiling sun, the kind where sunscreen dries out, next to some horrible Pitt fans–not even alumni–and I was miserable, almost sunsick. This year, a sold out Pseudo-White Out crowd. Isn’t that a breathless sight to see?  Over 109,000 people rolling and shaking Beaver Stadium in a blinding, haunting wall.

Speaking of Pokémon GO, playing on campus is a dreamstate. PokeStops, critter and Gyms everywhere. My husband ordered this charging phone case for me just for this day. It’s my first time using it, but this Anker slim sleeve seems to be working. Better than the portable chargers I also have with me. This case is vital, an awesome gift. Between PokemonGO and Swarm, I’d have no battery life for Instagram or Facebook.

You’ve heard me rant about the evils of Facebook. I still use it for my Author Page, but that’s about it…until my birthday. I feel the love with birthday wishes on my wall or in my news feed. People don’t send cards anymore, so I take what I can get.

Like I have time for social media today. That’s the irony of it all.

I’ve become one of those alumni who pays $6 for a car magnet. **I turn to my husband** You go ahead to Lions’ Pride. I’ll meet you after we go into Family Clothesline. **I turn back to you** He’s surprising me with dinner somewhere tonight. It’s a birthday thing; the birthday person does not choose the restaurant. I don’t know where we’ll get in given this larger crowd, but I like surprises. As for birthday gifts, this weekend, I’m treating myself to selfish gifts. It’s not always my birthday falls on such a signature game.

I actually did sneak some writing in this week. Tuesday after Labor Day, I went to my local haunt, Rock ‘n’ Joe’s, in the Union train station. Again I worked on blog posts. Not the worst things to do. It’s not my memoir, but I am writing. After my manicure on Wednesday **I take off gloves, show off blue glittery and shimmery white nails** I wrote at SmartWorld in Denville. I organized some projects for next week, kind of making a schedule. Imagine that! I can’t complain.

Come join us tomorrow for our mandatory photo at the Lion. We’ll walk over to the Creamery from there. The line is probably and hour or an hour and a half. Trust me, the ice cream is worth the wait. The cone can be as tall as your face. You’ll see. There’s a reason that line is always this long. It’s full of people sharing stories and events and memories and favorite flavors. Plenty of time for us to talk and for you to share:

How was your week?

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An almost-birthday writing reflection of #ROW80 this #WeekendCoffeeShare

If we were having coffee….

I’m glad you could stop in. This little Starbucks, as you know, is the place we normally say faretheewell to my in-laws before our 12-hour drive back to Michigan. Now that we’re 2 hours away in Jersey, we don’t need those dramatic goodbyes. Now we hold our goodbyes in the driveway. But my husband and I still stop by sometimes on our way home, or just when we’re out and about, like today. I’m having a tea today because dinner is in about an hour.

This is a break before we drive around Lansdale to fill our Pokémon items bags. We found a group of people who go out and play Pokémon. Since we now have friends to play with–several hundred on this What’s App message board of sorts–we finished a bunch of Legendary Bird raids in legendary style. We raided with the same people and compared our catches, our frustrations thus cementing the bonds of Pokeship. Now the Legendary Dog raids have begun, and we need to be prepared for Raikou, the Dog in North America this month.

This is an overnight trip for us. We just came from the Penn State TV Tailgate at Vanderbilt’s in Florham Park. The Northern New Jersey hosts these weekly Saturday get-togethers, and the bar has drink specials. There was a crowd of about 35 people, which is not bad for the first game of the season. Penn State beat the Akron Zips in a shutout. We got home–here, home, at my in-laws–in time for dinner. They took us out for Italian at Pasta Mista in nearby Chalfont, and his mom was insistent that we not order dessert there. Several times, in fact. Why? They had a chocolate birthday cake for me!

My writing really, really fell by the wayside, and my birthday’s next weekend, so I can’t use that as an excuse. No matter how many to-do lists or ways I structured and restructured my goals, I did not make writing a priority. My ROW80 Round 3 goals loom in front of me, slipping away.

1–Craft a succinct 30-second book elevator speech.
Haven’t done that because there’s no rush to do that. I need deadlines.

2– Continue my 17 Writing Outlets in 2017 and follow through.
I can’t follow through unless I start.

3–Fine tune a regular social media schedule.
Once I catch up on things in my life, I can try different outlets. Committing time actually scares me for some reason, and I’ve put off thinking about it.

6–Schedule weekly Myself-Time to review all these goals.
4–Catch up, let go of and/or publish old blog posts.
5–Catch up on email.
Catch up. Keep up. Need to get to some place I’m comfortable at, and I’m not there yet.

7–Work on memoir and other stories.
My Montclair memoir critique group makes me look at the document every 2 weeks when I print out some 5-page segment for review.

Round 3 ends in about 20 days. I gotta get rockin’ on them. I did get to Boonton Coffee on Friday. I worked on my blogging because I left my memoir edit at home. *rolls eyes* There was some productivity there, so I look at that as a success.

My husband and I have to get back home in a few, just enough time for us to make that Pokémon items run. We’re having ribs for dinner, and they like us to be prompt. Before I go, tell me how your week went.

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Sharing the most interesting writing idea this #WeekendCoffeeShare

If we were having coffee….

I’m glad you could meet us here in Cranford. Today is my day for a Celebratory Frappuccino. I caught another Moltres and my first Tyranitar. I had poor luck yesterday while my husband rocked the Pokémon world.

I read the phrase “Raid Burnout” last week and was like, what the heck is that? After two days of finally doing Legendary raids, I totally get that.

We’re video game storm chasers, my husband said. We never had anyone to play with until a week ago. We drove by Hall Stadium in Union and saw a cluster of people staring down at their phones.

We pulled over to ask what they were doing. They were raiding a Gym, I forget which Legendary Bird, but that’s when we discovered this group of people who bike and drive around to catch ’em all. Now we have friends to play with!

This is our rest break before something else pops up nearby. Apparently, this is a great area for Pokémon and raids and stuff.

Good thing, too, because I got the final okay that my fractured ankle has healed. The bone may not be 100% fused yet, but I don’t need to worry about physical therapy anymore.

My husband’s eclipse view outside his office

Did you see the eclipse this week? I swear, no one must have been at work Monday. I watched from my backyard through this perfect opening in our treeline forest. I invited my next-door neighbors over.

At 2:47pm, that was the totality in Jersey. We looked at it backwards through the reflection on our cell phone screens and more directly at it when mild cloud cover provided just enough of a window shade. My husband, however, had a fabulous view with perfect cloud coverage. Breathtaking. Look, I’ll show you the photo he texted me.

Thursday was Montclair Write Group’s weekly evening workshop. We watched two video lectures of Tillar Mazzeo’s Writing Creative Nonfiction series from The Great Courses series. She demonstrated her ideas for character sketches by looking at newspaper personal ads. You got a sense of his or her personality and values.

That was the most interesting, eye-opening idea: write my own personal ad in 25 words or fewer. I wonder what I’d say?

On that note, how’s your week?

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Writing from a distance: good, bad, both?

“I’m thankful for serendipitous moments in my life, where things could’ve gone the other way.”~Rick Springfield, American musician

It should come as no surprise to anyone, but I write about coffee shops.

The activity in coffee shops is fascinating, better than people watching in a mall food court. Sometimes. I have enough poignant moments and sparkling events and interesting interactions that I can write a novel about them. Right now, I write blog posts.

I still contribute a monthly post to my Michigan writers group. I helped initiate the group’s blog, Deadwood Writers Voices, and moderator John ran with it and maintains an excellent site. The blog encourages our members to write about their passions and interests, everything from romance to travel to video games. There’s something for everyone. It’s eclectic reading with writers posting on the same date each month. My Coffee Shop Chronicles post on the 18th.

That’s the great thing about the Internet is the ability to write remotely. The un-great thing is the absence of interaction.

Sure, I write articles from a distance and email them to my editors. This is different. Maybe because it’s not work and where I’m expected to communicate electronically. Maybe it’s the personal relationships I formed. I write, but I miss talking with the group members after their latest blogposts goes live or recruiting newer members to write for the blog.

Writing something is better than not writing, right?

My bimonthly critiques fell aside with my move to New Jersey. The group’s meeting location has changed since I left, and the new places are awkward for some members to travel to. There has always been an issue on those Wednesday nights when someone is out of town on business, sick with the flu, home with a stubbed toe or choosing not to drive at night. The group is working on ways to involve members who can’t be there in person for the critiques, something I’m willing to be a test subject for. We’ve tried Skype, Google Groups and once iMessage. I long for that close-enough interaction. Interacting some is better than not interacting, right? Nothing has stuck yet. Any ideas?

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Charged up and critique comments this #WeekendCoffeeShare

If we were having coffee….

Hey, how are you? Glad you could join me here at Den 10. The Bookstore Man is here is here again, sipping some tea, I think. Why I’m drinking a Café Vanilla Frappuccino in here, I don’t know, because like every other Starbucks in the world, it’s already 50-degrees and falling. Did you bring a sweater?

There’s not too much exciting personally. My husband and I went out most nights to get coffee and play PokemonGO. Other than that, there’s laundry, cleaning and more non-unpacking. Its been simply a week.

I tried writing on Monday at the Route 22 Starbucks, but my shocking revelation was that the store has about 4 outlets. I never paid attention there until I needed one. The tables are set up for wireless charging. Back in March and April, the circular rings that plug into your phone and charge when you set the discs on those special table spots were plentiful. I was amazed at the technology. Now, the iPhone charging discs have disappeared from the borrow table racks, and these scarce outlets don’t make up for that. I left when my phone battery dropped to 20%. Unproductive, especially because I was distracted by watching the battery charge.

I did go to my Montclair Memoir1 group on Wednesday. I took the Las Vegas scene in my MomMemoir piece for critique. The top three comments: I use the word “walk” too much. I didn’t establish enough tension in my near-death scene. I need to develop Las Vegas more as a character.

Despite all my writing plans and goals, I did nothing towards accomplishing them. I wrote in my planner “Really edit MomMemoir,” but even colored pen and stickers didn’t motivate me. Neither did “Mortgage. Rtn $ Tree. earned the right to write.” Cute nudges usually work for me, but that bag of items to return still sits in my car’s backseat.

I hope your week’s been more productive. If you’re not shivering too much, tell me what’s going on in your life.

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Writing & activity successes–and not–this #WeekendCoffeeShare

If we were having coffee….

Grab a seat. This is one of the most comfortable Starbucks I’ve been in. Of course it’s cold–every Starbucks in this universe is–but it blends spacious and cozy here. We’ve got plenty of time to chat uninterrupted, 30 minutes at least. *smile*  My husband’s over there doing a Pokémon Lucky Egg, and I have this fresh Café Vanilla Frappuccino in front of me.

I met my Fitbit step goal everyday this week, but still came in third in my two Workweek Hustle challenges. Those other folks must never sit down! Humph. I feel good increasing my activity, regardless. There’s always the rematch next week.

I celebrated my Swarm 7th Anniversary this week. I joined Foursquare, the original incarnation, on August 7, 2010. An overview of the new check-in map takes me down memory lane of my trips to Chicago, my 10th wedding anniversary in Disney, my NFPW awards conference in Alaska and so many more, events I remember, places I forgot. I love this app. What would I do without it?

My writing is going okay. I created a great outline of tasks to do this week, and I completed very few tasks on that list. I printed my DadLetters story, but I didn’t edit it. Two items, and I only made the effort to do one of them. Granted, that’s one more than doing nothing, but now I have to push it to this week, throwing off my other tasks. We’ll see next weekend how that goes.

And you? What successes are in your life this week?

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A pyramid of possibilities promoting on Twitter

“To hold a pen is to be at war.”~Voltaire, French writer

Last week, I missed my crystal promotion moment everywhere.

My Star Trek MomMemoir that I’ve been rambling about for weeks that takes place in Las Vegas has the perfect tie-in event with the annual Creation Star Trek convention. Imagine that. I couldn’t ask for a better opportunity, and I missed that. However, note the word “annual.” Now I can plan for that. But where can I promote this book before then?

Twitter hashtags are instant and direct ways to reach people who share your interest. That’s where I found my immediate audience to spread the word about this book and future fans of my other books. Following hashtags within Tweets of the hashtag you initially searched for presents you with a pyramid of promotional possibilities.

Take my book. It’s after the convention, but still, I want to know my audience from there. I want to find people interested in my book, so I start with the subject material: #StarTrek. Within that hashtag, I find convention-specific hashtags: #STLV for the convention itself and #STLV50 for this year’s convention celebrating Star Trek’s 50th anniversary. Searching those convention hashtags led me to others, among them #LLAP, #TrekFamily and #Vulcan.

I look at the people who are Tweeting these hashtags. Who were Tweeting often about or during the convention? I easily discovered the owners or organizers of the convention: @CreationEnt. This company also hosts conventions for other fan-favorite TV shows and movies. Noted for future. Continuing the search for Tweeters, I find at random @TrekConvention, @TrekGeekDan and @FanSets. Who they follow will probably add to my promotion network.  Another note for the future.

In some of the Tweets, I see television shows I mention in my memoir. There’s #TOS for the original series, #TNG for Star Trek: The Next Generation, #Voyager, #DS9 and #Enterprise. I’m sure the movies also have specific hashtags.

I see Tweets mentioning cast members or ones by the actors themselves. Duh!

All this and I haven’t even looked into the Las Vegas city-related hashtags yet.

Twitter makes it easy to establish a community. You can get lost diving through and through and deeper and deeper into the hashtags that lead to other hashtags that lead to others. You may think that’s a lot of time, but I did this search while I wrote this blogposts, which was maybe an hour. I also clicked through some of the Tweets to Instagram photos, maybe people I can now follow. I love Instagram.

Back on Twitter, doing this hashtag search under “Top” and “latest” tabs bring different results. With Twitter being an in-the-moment media outlet, I always thought that Latest would provide a more accurate, active engagement with my audience. Connection. Conversation. Brining out the “social” aspect of social media. I used to snub at that Top Tweets tab in general. How good can they be? Top Tweets are probably something promoted or have a gif of a kitty cat, something so instantly likable and inane and, therefore, immediately shared. Why bother? However, Top Tweets are made by the Influential Industry Professionals, or so I consider after this hashtag search. These people may have 14.3K followers and are following 32 accounts, never to blink in your direction, but why not? There’s no harm in following the industry’s trusted expert. CreationEnt may never even see a Tweet or pay attention to a Mention, but there’s no harm in tagging my Tweet with them.

What are some related tags to or of your work? They are out there. Searching for and finding these hashtags help you define your audience even if you have no idea who your audience should be.

I’m forgetting the obvious genre tie-ins to my book, hashtags like #memoir, #scifi, #nonfiction, #mom and #family.

Now that I have a plethora of promo hashtags, what about seasonal tie-ins? Mother’s Day in May is obvious, but Father’s Day in June is just as relevant. Grandparents Day is in September, and these people grew up and are most intimate with #TOS. Moms and dads grew up watching the overlapping timelines of #TNG and #DS9 and #Voyager. Holidays are always good for family-focused books: Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas and Valentine’s Day. In my case, patriotic or governmental holidays don’t fit. Just as well; I don’t have to be present everywhere to be successful. Paraphrasing some great writing advice I recently received, the more focused you are, the stronger your campaign will be.

What’s next? This list of tags, companies and people is the start of contacts and tie-ins. Now that I have my list–and you probably have yours–what’s next? Fit this into my marketing campaign, of course.

< To Be Continued… 🙂 >

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A schedule to publish two stories in one month

“A good beginning makes a good end.”~Louis L’Amour, American author

I can do three things at once; at least, I used to.

Reflecting on this past Weekend Coffee Share post, my writing and editing process reminded me of Comm 242 class at Penn State. This intro film course was an intense, hands-on filmmaking class. Everyone produced 12 projects that semester, which generated a life-consuming schedule. Every week, we edited last week’s project while filming this week’s project while writing next week’s project. I forgot how rigorous that was and how good that was. Why can’t I do that now?

Always keep busy with a project. I can do that. I have enough ideas and half-started books to keep writing and editing at all times. I don’t have to keep as insane a schedule as that film class, but why not attack writing in that way? I’m annoyed at myself for missing my Star Trek memoir deadline, but I’m not defeated. How can I make this a reality?

Let’s brainstorm here. How can I write and publish two books in one month?

August 7 – 13 (this week):

–Print out my currently-published DadLetters memoir. It’s another short story inspired by the 8-hour eBook challenge. Read through that document while doing a quick tweak, revise or whatever I immediately identify as lacking dimension. Type those edits and set aside.

August 14 – 20:

–One last critique of MomMemoir from the Montclair Memoir1 group on the 16th. What section?
–After that final feedback, begin MomMemoir 4th and final powerful edit.

August 21 – 27:

–Finish edit of MomMemoir, say the 23rd.
–Release MomMemoir to Fiverr editor for her review and line edits.
–Finalize book cover with my Fiverr graphic designer. This is already started. He needs some text from me to complete the project.
–Why she edits and he designs, write/revise DadLetters draft #2.

August 28 – September 2:

–In theory, final edit and cover design will be complete. This schedule is somewhat out of my control.
–Submit a section of DadLetters edit #2 to my Montclair Memoir1 group for their first critique of that work (August 30).
–Maybe do the next DadLetters edit #3, but my MomMemoir is the focus this week. Do what I can to:
–PUBLISH MomMemoir on Amazon and maybe other platforms. Research CreateSpace and Nook publishing options, or postpone until later.

During all this, work on my ROW80 Round 3 goals. Email, blog posts and social media are the key areas. How can they fit into this schedule? With this structure of sorts, maybe the goals will flow better.

September 3 – 11:

–enjoy Labor Day, my birthday and the Penn State-Pitt game in State College.

Tuesday, September 12 (entering second month):

–Has MomMemoir been published?
–Pick up where I left off with DadLetters memoir: submit another section to Memoir1 group (Sept. 13).
–Continue or begin researching CreateSpace, Nook, and other publishing options.
–Think about what’s next to work on. Maybe my 8-hour eBook Jimmy the Burglar. Maybe chapters of my full-length Dad memoir. To be decided based on how the previous month worked or didn’t. 

That’s doable. I focus on one major project while working on the other one in the background. It’s not exactly two books in one month, but it’s darn close. Spacing out to allow for Life to happen. Keeping up.

I bet you can do that, too.

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