If we were having coffee…
Hey there. Glad you could meet here. I know, no exciting, newly-discovered coffee shop, just my standard fallback here on Route 22. The texture of the Frappuccinos is hit or miss, sometimes not thick enough and too runny, but they do everything else as you’d expect. I’m in a black iced tea mood these days, and not that infusion thing. Those leave an aftertaste. I’m going to get one of those, even though the AC is kickin’ it to frosty temps in here. Do you need to get a sweater? I’ve got mine.
There’s not much new and exciting in my personal life. More cleaning, more unpacking, more PokemonGO with my husband. The most exciting event was last week’s Penn State Freshman Send-off Picnic. Every alumni chapter hosts a summer picnic for incoming freshman to celebrate their achievement of acceptance and remind them that we alumni are available for support.
The Northern New Jersey chapter awards their student scholarships at the picnic. Every alumni chapter I’ve been a member of offers student scholarships that are based on an application form and personal essay. My husband and I were active in the review process in previous chapters. I hope we have the opportunity to become involved in the Scholarship Committee here.
The exciting thing in my life is my writing. I did not re-publish my Star Trek MomMemoir yet, but I learned a great deal about how I edit. I can’t rush rewrites. I do need to set a deadline, but not a date that’s crunched into one week. Four edits is all I allow myself. That is enough time to write, tweak and make it strong without overthinking it. That’s how projects never finish–including mine. After those four reviews, I let it go into the world–in this case, an editor–and then maybe one final lookover before I upload and press Publish.
There’s freedom in letting go, in finishing a piece, in writing The End and moving onto the next project.
I’m on Edit #3, so while I’m in my breathing space, I’m getting as much critique feedback as possible from my Memoir1 group. Remember setting a deadline? I’ll set a release date by the end of August. That’s a month from now and one more round of critiques before my last powerful edit. It also gives me space to review my DadLetters memoir, also published on Amazon. I haven’t looked at it in over a year. I bet it could use a rehaul, too.
What’s new and exciting in your life?
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