Procrastinating and a thrilling discovery

Here I am, procrastinating publishing work I need to do, and I discovered that I have written my Dragon Story.

My Dragon Story is a tale I came up with in high school when I played D&D and devoured Anne McCaffrey books. How could I combine the two? I played around with a story and wrote it in my head, repeating it over and over until I knew the characters, the traits, the situations and my increasing infatuation with the main character’s dragon, Sable.

It was a book I thought was only written in my head until today as I’m procrastinating, scrolling through old writing files on my computer.  I wonder, What was my NaNoWriMo story in 2011? There it is: My Dragon Story at 51,820 words. 

Let’s look at recent coincidental colliding forces. Stretch back a week or three where on a TwitterChat about dragons I posted: I have a beloved story about dragons. I never wrote that and probably never will. Yesterday, April 23, I participated in my fourth author reading at the Montclair Library. Two days ago I rediscovered JA Konrath’s blog A Newbie’s Guide to Self Publishing and his blog post where he discuss Grade A writing and Grade B writing. He asked, is it worth it to fuss and fidget and struggle with your inner perfect self to create that Grade A book when a Grade B might do as well in book sales?

Here in physical electronic text is My Dragon Story, the story I’ve mentally written and rewritten for theheckuvit for over 20 years. I still play out scenes for mental background noise as I fall asleep. Now, I discover it’s been written for 13 years.

Mind blown, in so many ways.

My MomMemoir is out: Star Trek, Mom and Las Vegas; A Grand Adventure, and a month ago I considered as an exercise rewriting all or parts of it. The first book in my Haiku In the Life Of You series publishes this week. I’m working on my letters memoir about my father: Lessons From Dad: A Letter To You. Now I discover my eternal story–the story that defines me to myself–already written. It’s most likely in need of an edit or three and some definite formatting, but it’s already written.

Thank you, today’s procrastination.

I can’t believe the depth of my thrill. 

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  1. Pingback: Procrastination continues a creative discovery: Twitter, Vine and PokemonGO | D.W. Hirsch Writes

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