A writing #WeekendCoffeeShare

If we were having coffee…

Hey, I’m glad you could make it to Starbucks. Hope the traffic on Rt. 22 wasn’t bad. Sit down, let’s chat. I’m not sure if my Frappuccino is a Celebratory Frappuccino or not.

We just came from out potential-house inspection. One of the last things our inspector found could be a show-stopper. Underground oil tanks can leak and contaminate the soil, se we excluded all houses that had one listed in the description. No one mentioned an oil tank here until today when our inspector discovered the pipes. That kinda shocked everyone, including our real estate agent. The rest of the house shows well, but this…this…. We’re waiting for the inspection report which we’ll receive tonight or tomorrow.

For that reason and so many more, I need a break. Turns out I got the opportunity to travel with my husband to Miami next week. Florida in April? The weather’s gotta be gorgeous. It’s supposed to be a gorgeous resort, so I am properly attired with a new, fitted bathing suit and my summer nails. I’m not a pink person, but don’t these Pompeii Purple gel nails shout “poolside”?!?

How’s your writing coming along? This writing group I found, Montclair Write Group, they really do about 30 events a month as the coordinator, Carl, touts. I’m invited to observe one of the memoir critique groups the first week of May. The weekly Writing Support Group met Tuesday at 10am. That’s way, way early for me, but I want to see what all the hype is about. I expected more practical advice and people sharing real struggles about writing and freelancing, but the group obviously knows each other because there was a lot of overlapping cross-talk. I took notes, but no one else did. I’ll check back sometime to see if the format is different on another day. The coffee shop I found in downtown Montclair, Trend, is alone worth the visit. A converted house, wooden floors, comfy chairs, sturdy tables and homemade pastries. Yeah.

I’m also leaping into the Write On challenge to write 30 letters in 30 days. April is National Letter Writing Month in addition to being National Poetry Month. I’ve been mailing dollar store notecards to one of my college friends for months, just because. Now I have this new kit, plus I discovered last year’s kit. Yeah, shows I didn’t write a lot last year. Maybe this year will be different.

Enough about me. What’s been going on in your life these days?

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