Looking back to look ahead: a Journal entry

A look back into the real world.  
Interesting that this journal entry was written in the color pink, the same as my journal entry now in 2021.  Coincidence?

Sat, Jan 3
SB @ Horsham

He wanted to try this new SB–not “new” but new to us–and here we are. In the time I posted to Instagram & pulled out journal, he went to the car & got Yahtzee. PSU men BB in 4 hours.


We split the Yahtzee games. Always good. Our only card sweep was by K.

Yay Instagram! A memoir follower/followee @evelynlauer rec’d a book by a friend of hers, “Rules of Inheritance,” a memoir of a girl who loses her Mom & dad as a college kid. Her writing sounds like me. Or at least how I want to sound. Part of it, anyway.

K ordered the $11.50 book for me via Prime. It’ll arrive Tues. Kindle $=$10.99

K is restless. I can tell. And so I ask him, just to confirm.

“Yeah, but you’re writing & I don’t want to interrupt your flow.”

{*4 heart emojis*}

And I’m still sipping my tall Carm Macchiato.

Feels like a good place to stop.

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