How I almost lost my blog

Welcome. I almost lost this blog.

For a number of reasons, I lost my domain name “” If you click there now, you can buy shoes online. Don’t! Boycott shoes! What’s even more insulting is that the site has nothing to do with “d” nor “w” nor “Hirsch” nor any combination of. *indignant snort*

With the loss of the domain, all of the links would disappear

There is something exhilarating, yet intimidating, about starting over.

That’s just what I did here on this blog. What I’m doing, because I have to. In addition to my name, I thought I lost all my data. That scared the heebie-jeebies out of me. After going through the seven stages of blogloss, plus another seven to torture myself, I took this as an opportunity to recreate myself, my identity. Refocus. Reestablish. Reconnect. Refresh. Recycle. Rejuvenate. Renew. Fill in your own reword here.

Fortunately, my site is hosted through namecheap, and I will never, ever, never, ever go to another webhosting service. They had my old data and restored it.


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