“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.”~Thomas Jefferson, American president
How sad it is that we as a society make even the joy of reading a massive social media event?
There are gazumerous reading challenges out there. Which one to choose? How many books can I read in 20 days, 20 hours or 20 minutes? Is it motivation or pressure? Inspiration or discouragement? When I want to read, I want to snuggle up with a book and not worry about posting reviews online and making sure I’ve updated my statuses.

My 2018 reading assignment
Maybe that’s the reason my reading has slacked off to practically nothing. Part of it, anyway.
That said, as an author, I feel that it is my civic duty to join one. Apparently I’m not a Real Writer unless I’m a Real Reader, and Real Readers participate in at least one reading challenge.
My Goodreads site is the best place for me to do this. Reading 18 books in 2018 equals 1.5 books/month. Some people can read 1.5 books in a week. Looking at some of my Goodreads friends profile, I see someone who wants to read 400 books in 2018. I devoured books as a kid, but, sadly, I’m not that person anymore.
Rather than winging it, I chose my books for this 2018 reading challenge. There are only 16 books pictured here, giving me flexibility to choose new books, and I reserve the right to change this lineup any time without notice. Of these books, some I can’t wait to read. Some I am desperate to re-read again. Some I chose just because I own them.
If I get through some of these, any of these, that’s a success whether I share my results or not. I don’t need some website to tell me I’m a Reader. Reading should not be a goal. Reading should be a pleasure to its own end.