Big News and writing on this #WeekendCoffeeShare

If we were having coffee…

Isn’t this new coffee shop great? Thanks for meeting me here. After months of the orange Coming Soon banner outside, u1 Café finally opened last week. Since I work next door, I’m over here a bit. I didn’t even have to ask for this cup; they know my order already. It’s quiet in here–in fact, this is the busiest I’ve seen it–and I hope the word gets out about them. See that fireplace over there? You know where I’ll be sitting come the winter. Heck, by next week I’ll probably want it turned on. Try the medium blend. I know it’s the House coffee, and house coffees are often the twist-off-cap bottles of wine in restaurants, but this one is pretty good. Beans roasted here in Michigan.


I hope you don’t mind that my husband’s joining us. He just got back from his first week at his new job.

Oh? Didn’t I tell you? We’re moving to New Jersey. No, no, we’re not moving immediately. He’s working in his Michigan office, traveling as needed to his NJ office, while we look for a house and prep to sell ours. Y’know, after 10 years, we have accumulated what can only mildly be put as a lot of crap. Where did this all come from? I know, I never stayed current with scrapbooking my events. There’s just too many of them, and since I print every photo I take and save every napkin and ticket stub, well, that’s a hot mess.

I like using that term, “hot mess.” It’s overused, but I still love it. Totally explains life and crap in my Michigan house.

My finger PT continues, and it feels like it’s working. I can actually touch things with pressure on that side of finger. They’re working on the sensitivity not the strength, but I don’t know why my finger is still a bit swollen. I see my doc at the end of the month, and he’ll tell me how this has all worked out.

It’s a friends-over-coffee week. Today it’s you, Tuesday it was a coworker. That was one of those “we should do this more often” things that I should have done more often.


It’s also been a writing week. My Deadwood Writers group is being kicked out of the Livonia Barnes & Noble. The bookstore needs our space–so they say–because they’re setting up new merchandise. This week there were four comfy chairs in a square there. Yeah. Right. I know. We met in the loud café to critique our work. It was a pain in the…! The next day was my Ann Arbor Emerging Writers meeting. The first Thursday of the month is a workshop, and I got more out the fiction topic than I expected. Yesterday was the 2016 Rochester Writers Fall Conference. I got something out of every workshop I attended, except the keynote speaker. I could tell he was a university professor by the way he lectured us during lunch, not talk. My friend and I left to chat in the hallway. A much better use of our time.

How was your week?

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