Stressed and slothed this non-writing #WeekendCoffeeShare

If we were having coffee…

Thanks for meeting me here at Starbucks so late. I’ve been wiped out all weekend. Packing for the move has sucked the soul out of me. I’m not writing, I’m not hanging out on social media, I’m not even PokeStopping at my local strip malls. I’m consumed in boxes and paper piles and donations and clothes and bins and trash and more. That’s why I spent almost this entire weekend crashed on the couch, napping, waking only to eat or flip the TV channel. Apparently, my body and soul needed this. I’ve given so little of my time to myself.

Last Sunday, I attended my first Planner Meetup at my Michael’s on Ford Road. For about 3 hours, I played with paper, laughed with others who plan, and completely forgot about my shadowy world of To-Dos. It was unbelievably refreshing. I had no idea how much I missed the World out there, or even remembered that there was a World out there. I can’t find my gift card, so I didn’t buy anything, but paper and stickers are evil. I will succumb.

I found time to write on Monday, and found myself inspired and ferociously protective of my writing time. That chunk between work shifts is my undisputed, never compromised writing time. Surprising, nothing has ever interfered in that. No errands. No appointments. No to-dos. It’s me, myself and my laptop or paper drafts. I worked on some blogposts, none of my books, but I found that when time is precious, I love writing. It’s exciting. I find my passion there. Are you inspired these days to write or anything?

I ruthlessly cleaned out my scrapbooking stuff for this weekend’s Scrapbook Yard Sale at Bakers Studio. It’s The Dollar Table, but I was too tired to set up a sign to attract people over. I also ran out of packing tape to attached a sign to the table. I hope it’s all gone. Money beats stuff I’m not using, even a few dollars. I’ll find out how much sold on Tuesday when I pick up leftovers on Tuesday. Here’s hoping it’s all gone and I made $100 or more.

My husband and I caught the first quarter of the Penn State-Indiana football game before he left for Germany. Penn State won, and I’m glad I woke up for those exciting last four minutes of the game. It’s quiet at home, so it’s nice to be out among people after showering at 5:00pm.

Oh my gosh, they even made a fantastic Café Vanilla Frapp tonight. *sip, sip, slurp*
How’s your drink?

I feel lonely these days. I haven’t worked on any NaNoWriMo stuff, and doubt I will. My ROW80 goals have fallen away. heck, I didn’t even make it to yesterday’s Motown Writers Network meeting. I’m trying to embrace all the things I have here before I move, and I feel opportunity overload. We never appreciate what we have until we lose it. I’m doing all those “we should do this more often” things while I still can.

That’s why I’m glad you joined me for coffee today. Thank you for making me feel connected.

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